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SCEW - Simple C Expat Wrapper

The aim of SCEW is to provide an easy interface around the XML Expat parser, as well as a simple interface for creating new XML documents. It provides functions to load and access XML elements without the need to create Expat event handling routines every time you want to load a new XML document.

These are the main SCEW features:

  • Uses a DOM-like object model for new or parsed XML documents.
  • Supports loading concatenated XML documents.
  • Can copy and compare full XML documents, elements or attributes.
  • Writes XML documents to multiple outputs.
  • Allows adding new I/O sources easily.
  • UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 and US-ASCII encodings (and UTF-16 in Windows).

Operating Systems

  • could run on any OS, but not tested


  • could be compiled, but not tested

Added : 2011-06-15 Amended: 2011-06-15 Licensing : GNU copyleft

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