Trumphurst Ltd.

Domain Name Server Lookup ActiveX Control

Winsock compliant Domain Name Server lookup for your programs

The DNS ActiveX control requires Windows 95 or Windows NT.

It enables you to query Domain Name Servers anywhere on the Internet for any kind of supported name record.

The developer version can be used from any 32-bit Windows development environment, including Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Delphi, as well as direct from any browser which supports ActiveX (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer). It comes with example code for the NSLOOKUP application in Visual Basic and Visual C++, and costs only US$50.00 for a single developer licence.

The run-time version of the ActiveX control is free. It comes with a demonstration program, NSLOOKUP, which is just a simple dialog allowing you to look up names interactively.

Release 5 is now available - this is a bug fix release, because there was a problem with zone transfers.

You can buy the program direct from SoftShop, who accept Amex, Diners, Master Card, VISA, Solo, Switch, JCB, Connect, Eurocard, Delta, PayPal, UK cheques and US checks.

U.K and E.E.C. residents will be charged 17.5% Value Added Tax. UK residents may pay in British pounds at the current exchange rate. Euro zone residents may pay in Euros. Many other currencies are also accepted.

The Web ActiveX control demo is best experienced with Microsoft Internet ExplorerClick here for the Internet Explorer site.

This program is not released into the public domain, and remains Copyright © Trumphurst Ltd.

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