Trumphurst Java Library Routines
The following Java source code is copyright © 1998-99 Trumphurst Ltd., but are made available free for non-commercial use. Commercial licences are available for a fee of $75 (see below).
- DragGridPanel
- A Panel which is divided into a rectangular grid which the user can change. Components may be added to the grid, and may take up any rectangular set of cells within the grid. The user may drag the borders between the components to change the relative sizes of the cells, and thus the sizes of the components.
- MultiColumnList
- Multi column list or tree control with titles for each column and draggable widths. This is the user interface component (TView) only - the actual data is held in a TRowDocument or TTreeListDocument. The rendering of the data in each column is done by an ObjectPainter supplied to the constructor.
- ProgressBar
- A simple progress bar to indicate how long a lengthy task has run.
- Group
- Lightweight container with a border, title, etc.
- ContainerFocusTracker
- Class for Containers which won't take the keyboard focus. Because of what appears to be a bug in Java 1.1, when you move the focus on to a Frame, or other Container, it keeps the focus, rather than handing it on to an appropriate tabstop inside it. This class collects all focus events for the Container and its contents, and will correct the problem.
- ContainerKeyTracker
- Class to implement hot-keys between components in a Container. Automatically intercepts all keyboard events to all components in the dialog, and passes them to whichever component will handle them.
- HFlowLayout
- HFlow layout is used to layout components in a panel. It will arrange components left to right until no more buttons fit in the same row. The constructor has full control over alignment and packing within the row.
- VFlowLayout
- VFlow layout is used to layout components in a panel. It will arrange components top to bottom until no more buttons fit in the same column. The constructor has full control over alignment and packing within the column.
- PromptLayout
- Prompt layout is used to layout input components and their prompt labels in a panel. It will Labels in a left column, and other components in a right column, lining the prompts up with their corresponding input components. The constructor has full control over alignment and packing within the columns.
- PatriciaTree
- A Dictionary which stores String/Object pairs in a radix trie structure, enabling them to be retrieved in sorted order. For details of the Patricia algorithm, see "Algorithms" by Robert Sedgewick (Addison-Wesley). Comparisons are made at the bit level, and only enough bits to uniquely identify an individual key need to be compared to find it. This makes it a very efficient way of storing items with large keys.
- Full list of all packages in JavaDoc format
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