Oswestry and District


Beginners' Guide to Using LETS

"No-one has asked me for anything I offer"
"I'm not going to the meeting - I've nothing to trade"
"I rang no 236 and they don't offer plumbing any more"
"I'm in debt 300 Oswalds, so I can't use LETS at the moment"
"No-one spoke to me at the meeting"
Variants of these complaints often reach my ears, and I'd like to offer some hints to these disappointed members on how to get the best out of the system.

  1. LETS is a habit to be acquired. That is, when you want some small or large things, don't rush to the shops, but consult your directory first, which is of course pinned up by your phone.
  2. LETS requires back-to-front thinking. That is, it is good practice to get into "commitment" (not "debt", you note) because it means you are giving others the chance to earn. If we all regarded Oswalds in the same way as money, the system would grind to a halt. I heard of someone who paid 2000 units for a piano (elsewhere). Everyone thought he was crazy, but the newly-oiled wheels of the system suddenly began to whizz. The buyer was heavily in commitment but he was a benefactor to his LETS (and no bailiffs arrived). By the same token, keeping a high credit balance is anti-social, it earns you no interest and by spending it you'd keep the system moving.
  3. LETS members very rarely seem to ring out of the blue for your services. Two points here - do some ringing yourself to encourage this, and to get to know people. Positively look for someone to ring when you fancy a cake or a spring cleaning session. Try new members, who are raring to go and need encouragement. Secondly, don't wait to be rung. Many services will be taken up more readily if the volunteer is known - e.g. baby sitting. How to become known? Try a Trading Meeting. Nothing to trade? Trade yourself! Make friends and contacts. Find out what people do. You will then feel easier about ringing them, and also their faces will float effortlessly into your mind when needed, without ploughing through the directory. You can always bring bric-a-brac, home produce or whatever if you want to trade. You will also find lots of interesting stuff at the trading meetings to spend your non-existent Oswalds on, delicious food too, and usually some entertainment or a workshop. A trading meeting with only traders is likely to be a bit of a damp squid.
  4. If you advertise a service, please tell the directory editor if you cease to offer it, as many enquirers have been frustrated in the past. If you agree to carry out work, please treat this agreement as just as binding as if cash was involved.
  5. To summarise: Be positive towards LETS. Take the initiative. Oswalds are theoretical! They're not money. Keep Oswalds moving. You can spend them when you haven't got any, and the sky doesn't fall! We are all responsible for making LETS work well. The rewards you gain, in services and socially, depend entirely on your own input.
Margaret Clarke, member 39
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