Trumphurst Ltd.


Capture printer and other DOS device output

REDIRECT is used to capture output normally intended for the printer, and to send it somewhere else (usually to a file). You can also copy the output to the file as well as to the original printer.

REDIRECT can capture output from any of your parallel printers (LPT1-LPT3), any of your serial ports (COM1-COM4), and the "standard" DOS devices. If you capture output from your default printer (usually LPT1), even output from the Print Screen key will be captured.

Many command-line driven programs (such as compilers) use stderr or stdout for error messages. Stdout may be redirected from the DOS command line using the ">" redirection character, but stderr cannot. It is often useful to copy these messages to a log file, so that you can refer to them later. You can use REDIRECT to do this.

REDIRECT is an S.A.A. compliant program, which may be controlled using the mouse or keyboard. REDIRECT also has a pop-up section, enable redirection to be switched on and off from within any DOS program.

The resident portion of REDIRECT may be removed from memory when printer redirection is no longer required.

REDIRECT is available for $25 US per copy.

You can buy the program direct from SoftShop, who accept Amex, Diners, Master Card, VISA, Solo, Switch, JCB, Connect, Eurocard, Delta, PayPal, UK cheques and US checks.

U.K and E.E.C. residents will be charged 17.5% Value Added Tax. UK residents may pay in British pounds at the current exchange rate. Euro zone residents may pay in Euros. Many other currencies are also accepted.

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