Available C++ Libraries FAQ
Limiting output to 50 records
- jsoncons C++ header-only library - JSON construction with JSONPointer, JSONPatch, J
Added : 2018-01-19
- BDE - Basic Development Environment - a set of foundational C++ libraries used at Bloo
Added : 2017-10-03
- stdlib - UTF8 console i/o in Windows, other crucial stdlib fixes, functional area headers
Amended : 2017-06-21
- DynaMix - A New Take on Polymorphism in C++
Added : 2017-03-10
- TdhListsAPI - TdhListsAPI provides fast, flexible dynamic data storage for C++ programs
Added : 2016-07-13
- C++ tutorials, tips, and tools - C++ tutorials, tips, and tools that can help programmers learn C++ from scratch
Added : 2016-07-13
- Better Enums - Reflective enums (enum to string, iteration) with constexpr support
Amended : 2015-10-27
- PEGTL - Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library
Added : 2015-10-26
- SObjectizer - It's all about in-process message dispatching!
Added : 2015-10-26
- ExacMath - High Precision Math Library
Added : 2015-10-26
- Restbed - Asynchronous RESTful Framework
Added : 2015-10-26
- cpp-mmf - C++98 library that encapsulates memory-mapped-files for POSIX or Windows
Added : 2015-10-26
- YAPL - Yet Another Parallel Library
Added : 2015-10-26
- G3Log - Asynchronous logger, cross-platform and "crash safe"
Added : 2014-10-06
- die-xml - C++11 xml sax parser based on finite automata
Added : 2014-10-06
- Thrust - Thrust is a parallel algorithms library which resembles the C++ STL
Added : 2014-09-29
- cpp-measures - Header-only multi-platform C++11 library to handle physical measures
Added : 2014-09-29
- cpplinq - LINQ for C++
Added : 2014-04-14
- NCBI C++ Toolkit - The NCBI ToolBox C++ Programming Libraries
Added : 2014-03-28
- SeqAn - Efficient algorithms and data structures for (biological) sequence analyses.
Added : 2014-03-28
- C++ Solutions - David Vandevoorde
Added : 2013-11-28
- The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference - Nicolai Josuttis
Added : 2013-11-28
- The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference - Nicolai Josuttis
Added : 2013-11-28
- Memory as a Programming Concept in C and C++ - Frantisek Franek
Added : 2013-11-28
- Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales - Angelika Langer & Klaus Kreft
Added : 2013-11-28
- OOLua - C++ and Lua binding
Amended : 2013-11-27
- C++ Templates: The Complete Guide - Complete reference and tutorial to the C++03 templates.
Added : 2013-11-27
- Real-Time C++ - Christopher M. Kormanyos
Added : 2013-11-27
- The Boost C++ Libraries - Boris Schäling
Added : 2013-11-27
- UquoniTest - A unit testing library for C++ - Unit testing framework integrating Rich Booleans and ModAssert libraries.
Added : 2013-11-27
- Rudiments - C++ class library
Added : 2013-11-07
- OpenRTL - General purpose programming library
Amended : 2013-10-15
- Unicomm - Unified Communication Protocol - High-level asyncronous framework for TCP based nework application creation
Added : 2013-10-15
- The C++ Programming Language, exercise solutions - Personal solutions to the exercises proposed in The C++ Programming Language 3th
Added : 2013-01-15
- Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
Added : 2013-01-15
- brig - collection of cross-platform C++ header-only libraries
Added : 2013-01-15
- Windows Template Library - WTL is a C++ library for developing Windows applications and UI components
Added : 2013-01-15
- FLENS - C++ Library for High-Performance Numerical Linear Algebra
Added : 2012-10-02
- LibKISSLog - Light-weight C++ template library for logging.
Added : 2012-09-20
- JsonMe++ - JSON parsing C++ wrapper library with operator overloading.
Added : 2012-09-20
- lexertl - Dynamic Lexical Analyser Generator
Added : 2012-08-06
- Botan - crypto library for C++
Added : 2012-07-25
- physfs - Library for filesystem operations (with archives)
Added : 2012-05-28
- chemkit - A C++ library for molecular modelling, cheminformatics and visualisation.
Added : 2012-05-02
- Vettrasoft Z Directory - General-purpose library of c++ objects
Added : 2012-04-25
- OpenCV - a library of programming functions for real time computer vision
Added : 2012-03-15
- OpenEXR - a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format for use in computer imaging
Added : 2012-03-15
- PVS-Studio - Static Code Analyzer for C/C++/C++11
Added : 2012-03-15
- Blitz++ - Scientific computing in C++
Amended : 2012-02-20
- FireBreath - Cross-browser, cross-platform browser-plugin framework.
Added : 2012-02-20
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