Available C++ Libraries FAQ


Adding or amending entries


Libraries available to download (A-C)

Libraries available to download (D-L)

Libraries available to download (M-P)

Libraries available to download (Q-Z)

Tools for C++ Programmers

Libraries with no known download site

Source code from books

Other places to look for details of C++ libraries

Useful web and ftp sites

Commercial libraries (A-N)

Commercial libraries (O-Z)

Other commercial sources of C++ code

Trumphurst Home Page
C++ Usenet Newsgroup
A Web form for submissions to this list
Contact the author for permission to distribute

Copyright (c) 2024 Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.
Permission is granted to distribute over the Internet without charge. The author's permission is required (and usually given) to distribute in any other way, including on CD.